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[스크랩] ['축구에이전트'님] 상대 축구선수가 반칙을 할때...등등

작 형 2010. 10. 29. 15:42
I am quite competitive and like to get stuck in during Sunday league games, but quite often I come up against some nutjobs.

I have been kicked, punched and elbowed in recent seasons and would like to ask your advice on how to play against this type of opponent?

How can I play hard and fair without getting into a fight that I will probably lose.
- Smithy, Essex (일요일날 축구시합을 할때 자주 심하게 플레이하는 선수들을 만난다. 최근 몇년동안 계속 차이고 얻어맞고 팔꿈치로 치이고 이럴때 어떻게 하면 되는지.....?

TC: You have got to look after yourself on the pitch because if word gets around that you are a soft touch you will have problems and the dirty play will continue. As a teenager starting off in the pro game I came up against full-grown men who made it their mission to “sort me out”. I realised that I needed to give as good as I got, or I’d develop a reputation for weakness that would dog me all through my career.

Try making the ref aware that you’re the victim of some unfair challenges. If you get him on your side, he’ll look out for you, and punish the opponents. (심판한테 이것을 알게 하는데 좋음. 심판을 너희편으로 만들고 불공평한 행동을 했을때는 상대방을 처벌해야한다)

I have been playing amateur football for nearly 20 years and I find that if you have a dialogue with the ref and show him a certain degree of respect you are more likely to get away with any indiscretions during a match. As a defender I have never been booked or sent off and I still can't believe it knowing some of the things I have done. What was your relationship like with referees during your career and did it help or hinder you?
Ronnie, Birmingham

TC: I didn’t have a reputation for being violent but in fact I was sent off nine times in my career. Over a long period of time you get to know referees and realise what you can and can’t get away with. What you’re doing, talking to referees, is a sign that you’re an intelligent player, because it can only help.

When players make a bit of a name for themselves, they often seem to get favoured. That was probably more the case in my day than now because players and referees are so conscious of being watched all the time now. All players – well, except the dopey ones – are aware that everything they do on the field is caught on camera.

In Chelsea's 6-0 victory over Manchester City four of Chelsea's goals went through the keeper's legs. Is this skill or luck on the part of the goalscorer? As a top striker do you ever just hit and hope?
- Seb

TC: It depends on how close you are to the keeper. When you’re right on top of him, it’s a definite skill to nutmeg the goalkeeper, but if you’re more than ten metres away, it’s luck, or bad positioning on the keeper’s part. Certain strikers look for the nutmeg when they’re one-on-one. If a goalkeeper stands tall, makes himself big and narrows the angle, as Peter Schmeichel used to do, you can see a gap between his legs.

Hello Tony, I am having trouble trying to convince my work colleagues that I once lobbed a goalkeeper with a back-heel. I caught it on the up and it remains my best-ever goal. I put their disbelief down to jealousy. Have you ever had that problem?
- Jimmy Sargeant, South London

TC: Stick to your guns and keep telling them about it because you’ll probably never do it again! Their disbelief is probably just them winding you up. A bit of ribbing is part of football at every level, and in the pro game it’s no different.

Hi Tony, how would you deal with a team-mate who hogs the ball in matches? In my case our star player is much better than our next best player and so we tend to let her get away with it. However, if the rest of us get more of the ball surely we will become better players and team-mates. At the moment I feel like I am paying my subs just to watch someone else play.
- Sam, London.

TC: The coach ought to notice this and have a word. Or if you don’t have a coach, maybe the other players could talk to her as a group. It sounds like when she goes off on her dribbles the rest of you don’t say anything. That only encourages her to do it more and more. So open your mouths. With the Ireland squad, Ray Houghton would continually demand the ball. He’d shout at you and it would do your head in, so you’d give it to him just to shut him up. Roy Keane was the same when someone like Damien Duff would charge off for a dribble.

So, let her know you want the ball, demand it from her. Have a little dig every time she loses the ball, and don’t say anything when she goes past someone. I remember having a bust-up with a player in France when he gave the ball away a minute before half time and the opposition scored. We had a row about it but he understood where I was coming from and there was a mutual respect afterwards. Though as I never dribbled, no one ever needed to have a word with me!

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